Youth Thrive
Youth Thrive is a companion framework to Strengthening Families. It focuses on older children through adolescents and into early adulthood, ages 9 -26 years old. And similar to Strengthening Families, Youth Thrive is based on current scientific research that supports building 5 protective and promotive factors in young people in order to reduce risk and enhancing healthy development and well-being. The teen years are a time of great physical and emotional change, new opportunities and many challenges – especially for youth who have experienced past traumas or whose families are under stress.
If you are working with young people, it is vital that you pay special attention to the developmental needs of youth and incorporate activities that respond to their particular interests and abilities. There are lots of additional resource, tools and practical ideas about how to use Youth Thrive on
Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP)’s website.
Amanda Metivier, MSW
Associate Director
Office of Youth Empowerment &
Education and Training Voucher Program
Child Welfare Academy
1901 Bragaw St. Suite 105
Anchorage, AK 99508
907-786-6732 Office