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Mandatory Child Abuse Reporter

"Mandatory reporting" refers to the legal obligation of certain professionals and individuals to report any suspected cases of child abuse or neglect to the authorities. This is designed to protect children by ensuring that suspected harm is investigated and addressed promptly.

Anyone can report child abuse, at any time, by visiting our Report Child Abuse page.


The Office of Children's Services offers training for reporters of child maltreatment and for Alaskans who want to know more about how to recognize and respond to child abuse and neglect.

Please use the table of contents on the left, and/or the previous and next buttons at the bottom of each page to navigate through this site.

Do You Need A Certificate?

No Certificate

The version of this training you are viewing now was designed to allow viewers to pick and choose topics or to quickly access specific information. This version is for professionals and/or members of the general public who are interested in more information but do not need a training certificate of completion.

Certificate Provided, but NOT Stored for Later Retrieval

Mandatory Reporter Training
This version of the training is directed at professionals who are legally required to report child abuse in Alaska and who are required to participate in training as a part of their obligation as a “Mandatory Reporter.” This version results in a certificate of completion, however; the certificate is not stored for later retrieval.

Certificate Provided, Permanently Stored for Later Retrieval

Department of Health and Social Service's Learning Management System (provides a permanently stored certificate of completion which is available now and at a later date). This version of the training is directed at professionals who are legally required to report child abuse in Alaska and who are required to participate in training as a part of their obligation as a “Mandatory Reporter”.

There are Five Main Sections


If you would like a copy of this training or you have any questions please contact
Richard Bloomquist
Child Advocacy Center/Child Justice Act Task Force Coordinator
DFCS Office of Children's Services
Phone: 907-465-3207


This training was the result of significant work and collaboration between multiple agencies and organizations including:

Many others also assisted with content development, website development, provided editorial assistance, acted as content experts, agreed to participate in video-taped interviews which supplement the content, and provided other very helpful feedback and input. Those people are too many to mention all of them here but we would like to particularly thank: Debbie McDonald (Site and Training Design), Greg Wilkinson (Narration), Susan Morgan (Narration), Scott Favorite (Video Producer), Clay Butcher (Video Producer), Linda Carlson, Cindi Stanton, Angel Gonzales, A’zja Banks, John Bioff, Dara Lively, Mary Elkin, Diane Payne, Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, D Owens, Jan Rutherdale, Kim Guay, Thomas McRoberts, Carolynn Greene, Todd Brocious, Lindsay Bothe, Barbara Coopes, Gayle Garrigues, Heidi Redick, Jared Parrish, Josh Louwerse, Joy Petrie, Katie TePas, Kristie Kunder, Marsha Tandeske, Mike Hopper, Pam Karalunas, Ron Prewitt, Scott Dattan, Alicia Brown, Tracey Eason, Bruce Downs, and Yvonne Hill.

Project Funding

This project is funded in part through the Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children's Bureau, Children’s Justice Act formula grant, as well as additional funds from Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) Title I, the Community-Based Child Abuse Prevention (CBCAP) Grant, and the State of Alaska. The contents of this training and video do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the funders, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S Department of Health and Human Services or the State of Alaska.

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