Confidentiality Agreements
Prior to filing a Child-in-Need-of-Aid (“CINA”) case in state court, the Office of Children’s Services (“OCS”) may provide information to Alaska tribes regarding child protection investigations that involve their tribal children. This information sharing may occur for any of the following reasons: so that a Tribe may work collaboratively with OCS to investigate allegations of child abuse and neglect; so that a Tribe can aid in providing services or placing a child if releasing the information is in the child’s best interest; or a Tribe has requested the information from OCS and indicates the request is for a purpose related to child protection, including investigating the allegations in the Protective Services Reports (“PSR”).
In addition to the PSR, information sharing at this stage may include reports of harm, ORCA notes, safety plans, police reports, and other investigative reports. The information that is provided by the OCS to a Tribe is sensitive and confidential. Maintaining the confidentiality of this information is vital to protecting both the safety of the children and the privacy of the family. The information provided by the OCS to the Tribe must therefore not be disclosed to any person or entity except that information which is necessary to carry out the investigation process, initiate a tribal child protection proceeding, and/or provide immediate assistance and intervention services to the family.
By signing the agreement of confidentiality, the Tribe acknowledges that it has reviewed, understood and agrees to keep child protection information confidential as set forth above. The Tribe also confirms that it has a written policy regarding protection of confidential information, and that tribal representatives receiving confidential information have received a copy of the policy.
Below is a list of the Tribes who have signed this confidentiality agreement.
For a blank copy of the form click here.
- Afognak, Native Villiage of
- Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove
- Akhiok, Native Village of
- Akiachak Native Community
- Akiak Native Community
- Akutan, Native Village of
- Alakanuk Traditional Council
- Algaaciq Tribal Council (St. Mary's)
- Allakaket Village
- Ambler, Native Village of
- Aniak Traditional Council
- Angoon Community Association
- Anvik Traditional Council
- Arctic Slope Native Association
- Arctic Village
- Asa’carsarmiut Tribal Council (Mountain Village)
- Association of Village Council Presidents
- Atka, Native Village of
- Atmautluak Traditional Council
- Atqasuk Village
- Barrow, Native Village of
- Beaver Village
- Belkofski, Native Village of
- Bill Moore's Slough Village
- Birch Creek Tribe
- Brevig Mission, Native Village of
- Bristol Bay Native Association (BBNA)
- Buckland, Native Village of
- Central of the Tlingit Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (CCTHITA)
- Chalkyitsik Village
- Cheesh’na Tribal Council
- Chevak, Native Village of
- Chignik Lagoon, Native Village of
- Chilkat Indian Village (aka Klukwan)
- Chilkoot Indian Association (aka Haines)
- Chinik Eskimo Community (Golovin)
- Chitina Traditional Indian Village Council
- Chuathbaluk, Native Village of
- Chugachmiut
- Cook Inlet Tribal Council (CITC)
- Copper River Native Association (CRNA)
- Council, Native Village of
- Craig Tribal Association
- Deering, Native Village of
- Diomede, Native Village of
- Douglas Indian Association
- Eek, Native Village of
- Eklutna, Native Village of
- Ekwok Village
- Elim, Native Village of
- Emmonak, Native Village of
- Eyak, Native Village of
- False Pass Tribal Council
- Gakona, Native Village of
- Galena Village
- Goodnews Bay, Native Village of
- Gulkana Village Council
- Gwichyaa Zhee Gwich'in Tribal Government (Formerly Native Village of Fort Yukon)
- Holy Cross Tribal Council
- Hoonah Indian Association
- Hooper Bay, Native Village of
- Huslia Tribal Council
- Hydaburg Cooperative Association
- Igiugig Village Council
- Iliamna Village Council
- Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope
- Iqurmiut Traditional Council (Russian Mission)
- Kake, Organized Village of
- Kasaan, Organized Village of
- Kasigluk Traditional Council
- Kawerak, Inc.
- Kenaitze Indian Tribe
- Ketchikan Indian Community
- Kiana, Native Village of
- King Island Native Community
- Kipnuk, Native Village of
- Kivalina, Native Village of
- Klawock Cooperative Association
- Kluti-Kaah, Native Village of (Copper Center)
- KNIK Tribal Council
- Kobuk, Native Village of
- Kodiak Area Native Association (KANA)
- Kokhanok Tribal Council
- Kokhanok Village Council
- Kongiganak Traditional Council
- Kotlik, Native Village of
- Kotzebue, Native Village of
- Koyuk, Native Village of
- Koyukuk, Native Village of
- Kwigillingok IRA Council
- Kwethluk, Organized Village of
- Kwinhagak, Native Village of (Quinhagak)
- Larsen Bay, Native Village of
- Lime Village Traditional Council
- Lower Kalskag, Native Village of
- Maniilaq Association
- Manley Hot Springs Village
- Marshall, Native Village of
- Mary's Igloo, Native Village of
- Mekoryuk, Native Village of
- Mentasta Traditional Council
- Metlakatla Indian Community
- Naknek Native Village
- Napaimute, Native Village of
- Napakiak, Native Village of
- Napaskiak Traditional Council
- Nelson Lagoon, Native Village of
- Nenana Native Association
- Newhalen Tribal Council
- Newtok Village Council
- Nightmute Traditional Council
- Nikolai Village (Edzeno’s Native Council)
- Nikolski, Native Village of
- Ninilchik Traditional Council
- Noatak, Native Village of
- Nome Eskimo Community
- Nondalton Village
- Noorvik Native Community
- Northway Village
- Nulato Tribal Council
- Nunam Iqua, Native Village of
- Nunakauyak Traditional Council (Toksook Bay)
- Nunapitchuk IRA Council
- Old Harbor, Alutiiq Tribe of
- Orutsararmiut Native Council (ONC)
- Ouzinkie Tribal Council
- Pauloff Habor Village
- Petersburg Indian Association
- Pilot Point, Native Village of
- Pilot Station Traditional Council
- Pitka's Point, Native Village of
- Port Graham, Native Village of
- Port Heiden Village Council
- Qagan Tayagungin Tribe of Sand Point
- Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska
- Rampart Village
- Red Devil Traditional Council
- Ruby, Native Village of
- Saint George Island, Native Village of
- Savoonga, Native Village of
- Saxman, Organized Village of
- Scammon Bay Traditional Council
- Shaktoolik, Native Village of
- Shishmaref, Native Village of
- Shungnak, Native Village of
- Sitka Tribe of Alaska
- Skagway Village
- Sleetmute Traditional Council
- Solomon, Native Village of
- St. Michael, Native Village of
- St. Paul, Aleut Community of
- Stony River Traditional Council
- Sun'aq Tribe of Kodiak
- Takotna Village
- Tanana Chiefs Conference
- Tazlina, Native Village of
- Teller, Native Village of
- Togiak, Traditional Council of
- Tuluksak Native Community
- Tuntutuliak Traditional Council
- Tununak IRA Council
- Umkumiut Tribal Council (Nightmute)
- Unalakleet, Native Village of
- Unga, Native Village of
- Wainwright, Village of
- Wales, Native Village of
- White Mountain, Native Village of
- Wrangell Cooperative Association
- Yakutat Tlingit Tribe
- Yupiit of Andreafsky (St. Mary’s)