Contact Us
State of Alaska
Dept of Family and Community Services
Division of Juvenile Justice
240 Main Street, Ste. 701
PO Box 110635
Juneau, AK 99811
Tel: 907-465-2212
Fax: 907-465-2333
Other Resources
Links listed on this page are meant to assist persons seeking juvenile justice information and is not intended to be a comprehensive list. Links to the organizations and agencies listed below are not endorsements or promotions by the State of Alaska and the State of Alaska is not responsible for the quality of information obtained through these links.
On this page:
Model Programs Guide and Database: This searchable database was developed with OJJDP funding and was introduced at a national OJJDP conference last week. It provides a comprehensive up-to-date summary of 150 proven delinquency prevention programs.
Alaska State Government
The Law
Law Search Engine:
- Search for interesting cases or legal terms at these general information sites...
All Law
Juvenile Justice Law & Policy Development:
The Courts
- Landmark Cases in U.S. Juvenile Justice!: Check out pivotal cases on juveniles and other topics through Cornell Law School's Legal Information Institute on the net.
- The United Youth Courts of Alaska work in partnership with Alaskan communities and the formal juvenile justice system to develop and sustain innovative youth courts.
Information & Services for Victims of Crime
Victims for Justice has provided services to victims of violent and the survivors of victims of homicide since 1985, including grief support, court accompaniment, outreach to rural Alaska victims, and more.
Office for Victims of Crime is under the U.S. Department of Justice. There are links to a number of national sites and resources. Follow the links to
Victim Compensation and Assistance in Alaska for ideas about resources near you.
National Crime Victim's Research & Treatment Center The National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center (NCVC) is a division of the
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the
Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, South Carolina. Since 1974 the Faculty and staff of the NCVC have been devoted to achieving a better understanding of the impact of criminal victimization on adults, children and their families.
The National Organization for Victim Assistance is a private, non-profit, 501(c)(3) organization of victim and witness assistance programs and practitioners, criminal justice agencies and professionals, mental health professionals, researchers, former victims and survivors, and others committed to the recognition and implementation of victim rights and services.
National Center for Victims of Crime is another site for news and resources!
State of Alaska Services for Children & Youth
Office Children's Services is Alaska's site for child protection and welfare! Follow links to key information and resources for Alaska's future!
Service Providers for Youth in Alaska
Law Enforcement Agencies in Alaska
State Agencies
Local Alaskan Police Departments:
Local Alaskan Police Departments
Federal Law Enforcement Agencies Operating in Alaska
National Juvenile Justice Sites
Justice Research & Information
Justice Information Center is a service of the National Criminal Justice Reference Service. There are a number of links to research and information sites as well as federal justice agencies! The
National Criminal Justice Reference Services Database is a place to search for books and articles on justice topics!
Bureau of Justice Statistics under the U.S. Department of Justice offers research and information on all aspects of the justice system nationally and in addition to federal data, provides state and local information as well! BJS also offers the
Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics Online! with over 600 tables from 100 sources of justice information!
The Juvenile Information Network is sponsored by The Corrections Connection Network and is The Official Site of the Corrections Industry. There are links to a number of resources including statistics and research, grants, other juvenile justice agencies around the country, and more!
Juvenile Justice Agencies of Other States
Special Topics
Balanced & Restorative Justice
Youth & Community Courts
Victim Offender Mediation
The Victim Offender Mediation Association, originally called the U.S. Association for Victim Offender Mediation, was created in recognition that the field was expanding rapidly and that greater networking among practitioners and other interested individuals would enhance the overall credibility of victim offender mediation and reconciliation programs within the justice community.
Mediation Information & Resource Center more info & links!
Alcohol & Other Drugs
Racial & Ethnic Disparities (R/ED)
Sex Offenses
Staff Development
Job Hunting
Training Opportunities
Professional Organizations
Grant Resources
Grant Writing & Grant Seeking Tools There are currently a number of sites with granting tools and information... Check a few of them out!