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Matt Davidson Staff Photo 
Matt Davidson

240 Main Street
Juneau, Alaska 99811
Phone: 907-465-2212

A Message from the Director

Welcome to the web site for the Alaska Division of Juvenile Justice (DJJ). The DJJ is a restorative justice agency.

We are committed to holding youths accountable for their actions while also protecting communities, repairing the harm to victims and working to ensure that youths gain necessary skills to function successfully in society. DJJ works closely with other Divisions in our Department and with a wide range of state and local partners to provide juvenile justice services to our clients.

These are exciting and challenging times for our agency. We are committed to providing you with useful juvenile justice information through our Web site as well as through our local and regional offices and facilities. I encourage you to use this Web site and our agency as a resource when you have an interest in or need for information about juvenile justice in Alaska.

Please contact us at DJJ if there is additional information you need or if there is content you would like to see included in this web site.