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Restorative Justice

In Alaska,​ the mission of the Division of Juvenile Justice is to hold juvenile offenders accountable for their behavior, promote the safety and restoration of victims and communities, and assist offenders and their families in developing skills to prevent crime.

The Division uses a variety of graduated responses with the expectation that juveniles must personally take part in restoring and repairing the harm caused to victims and communities as a result of their behavior. A balanced and restorative justice approach to services and programming ensures that juvenile offenders take personal responsibility for repairing the harm caused to victims and communities by their delinquent behavior.

The Division also works to prevent c​rime by supporting competency and skill development for juveniles so that they will have alternatives to law-breaking behavior.

Venn diagram with green top circle for Community, blue circle for Victim, purple circle for Offender. Victim and Community overlap titled Community Safety. Community and Offender overlap titled Competency Development. Victim and Offender overlap titled Accountablility. All three overlap titled Restorative Justice. 

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