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Juvenile Justice Data Glossary


An assertion or claim of misconduct or illegal behavior against a juvenile.


Separate law violations and offenses, which are included under a single referral episode.

Charge Class

Class refers to the seriousness of the charge.


The classification assigned to the more serious crimes and offenses.


The classification assigned to the less serious crimes and offenses.

Violation / Other

The classification assigned to the least serious offenses. Includes offenses under state law and municipal ordinances.

Conduct / Probation Violation

Non-criminal probation and conduct violations (not following instructions of a probation officer, possession of a weapon when conditions of probation prohibit this behavior, leaving foster placement without permission, etc.) are included as a separate charge class category.

Charge Type

These are general categories of criminal offenses.

Against Persons

Offenses against persons, such as robbery, assault, sexual abuse, and kidnapping.

Against Property

Offenses such as burglary, theft, credit card fraud and trespass.

Against Public Order

Offenses such as providing false information to police, hindering prosecution, harming a police dog, escape and unlawful evasion.

Drug and Alcohol

Drug/Alcohol offenses include habitual possession or consumption of alcohol by a minor. The statute was enacted in July 2001. Misconduct involving controlled substances.


Misconduct Involving a Weapon.


Miscellaneous offenses include municipal criminal code violations and probation or conduct violations by juveniles under court ordered supervision.


Can include legal custody which confers certain authorities and responsibilities on the custodian over a juvenile; physical custody which relates to the physical control over a juvenile; or both legal and physical custody depending on the condition and circumstance in which the term custody is used.


See Youth Facility below.

Fiscal Year

The twelve month period related to the state’s budgets and programs. Alaska’s fiscal year begins on July 1 and ends on the following June 30. The fiscal year is named for the year in which it ends. For example, the year that extends from July 1, 2001 to June 31, 2002 is Fiscal Year 2002.


The term used to describe a series of reviews and preliminary findings following a referral from a law enforcement agency regarding an allegation of illegal conduct by a juvenile.

Intake Decision

The determination as to what subsequent action will be taken following the preliminary review of an offense referral.


The number of unique juveniles who were referred to DJJ during the fiscal year. Some juveniles were referred multiple times within the year.


A period of supervision in which the juvenile’s behavior and conduct are monitored under specified rules and instructions. Probation may be ordered by the court or agreed to voluntarily by a juvenile and the juvenile’s parents.

Probation Office

An office for support and coordination of juvenile supervision

Probation Officer

Division field staff who supervise juvenile’s or coordinate programs serving juveniles under an order of the court or a voluntary supervision agreement.


A request by a law enforcement agency for a DJJ response following the arrest of a juvenile or as a result of the submission of a police investigation report alleging the commission of a crime or violation of a court order. A referral is counted as a single episode or event and may relate to multiple charges.


These are DJJ central offices for regional administrative units.


Anchorage Regional Office located in Anchorage and covers the Municipality of Anchorage and each of the smaller cities and communities within the municipal boundaries.


Northern Regional Office is located in Fairbanks and is composed of the communities in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Norton Sound, North Slope and the interior section of the state.


South Central Regional Office is located in Anchorage and is composed of the communities surrounding Anchorage including: Mat-Su, Kenai, Homer, Dillingham, Kodiak, Valdez, etc. SCRO does not include the Municipality of Anchorage.


Southeast Regional Office is located in Juneau and includes the communities of the southeast panhandle including Juneau, Sitka, Petersburg, Ketchikan and Prince of Wales Island.


Relates to any type of probation or general management of a juvenile under conditions or rules of conduct or instruction.

Youth Counselor

Division youth facility staff who supervise, monitor, guide and direct juveniles within a youth facility or in the community in a youth facility related program.

Youth Facility Or Youth Center

The Division of Juvenile Justice oversees The Division of Juvenile Justice oversees six secure youth facilities around the state, in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, Bethel, and the Mat-Su area. Each of these facilities provides:

  • Secure facilities for youth awaiting determination of the outcomes relating to their offenses.
  • Highly structured core services such as short-term individual, group, and family counseling.
  • Education services from local schools and schools at some facilities.
  • Health screening and medical care.
  • Mental health diagnostics and services.
  • Substance abuse education and prevention.
  • Life-skills competency building.