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Staff appreciation party at the Anchorage Pioneer Home

JerriVanSandt presents JaninaChlebowski7/14/2017 - Sunny skies and warm temperatures were stellar for a party given for staff and residents of the Anchorage Pioneer Home.

Activities included a barbeque, music, and prizes. Drawings for gift cards to local restaurants, a night at the Sheraton and a 40 inch TV were given, thanks to generous donations from the APH management team and resident council, NANA, Sysco, and Sheraton Hotels.

The main event was the presentation of certificates and awards to members of the staff for their years of service and dedication to the state of Alaska and residents of the home:

  • Nina Chlebowski with environmental services - 25 years
  • Connie Reimers, nurse - 25 years
  • Barb Seward with activities - 20 years
  • Tim Hinson, environmental services foreman - 20 years
  • John Haywood, physical therapist - 10 years

Right, Jerri VanSandt congratulates Nina Chlebowski on her 25 years with the Anchorage Pioneer Home. Thank you, Nina! Also receiving a 25-year gold pan was Connie Reimers (not pictured). Thanks, Connie!

Timothy HinsonCongratulations on 20 years of service to Tim Hinson, above.

Barbara Seward
Barbara Seward with activities was also presented with her 20 year certificate.

John Haywood, physical therapist, receives his 10 year certificate.

Grand Prize- Marites Manasin
Marites Manasin, environmental services, wins the grand prize of a 40 inch HDTV.

Rich Saville
Anchorage Pioneer Home Director, Rich Saville, enjoys a grilled burger.

YummmmBarbara Seward, Neth Neph
Winning eatery gift cards were staff members left, Barb Seward, and Neth Nhep, right.