Title 47 Commitments and the State of Alaska
Due to the mental health needs in the community and a limited number of beds available statewide, there may be a waitlist for Title 47 Respondents to be accepted into a facility. Efforts continue to be made to reduce wait time for all individuals on Title 47 mental health commitment holds through increased communication and training for all parties involved in the Title 47 process.
DES/DET Coordinator
The State of Alaska Designated Evaluation and Stabilization (DES)/Designated Evaluation and Treatment (DET) Coordinator has served as the primary point of contact for Title 47 and DES/DET questions since 2020. Hospital staff, law enforcement, Courts, and members of the public can contact the DES/DET Coordinator to discuss any concerns or questions regarding patients, bed counts, travel issues or missing documentation.
The State of Alaska Department of Family and Community Services DES/DET Coordinator tracks all Title 47’s and files status reports with the Courts every business day.
Title 47 Training Opportunities
The DES/DET Coordinator completes two online trainings annually (Spring and Fall). To be included in future trainings or request an in person or site-specific training, please submit a written request to the email below.
- HB 66 Updates
Previous Trainings Dates:
- 10/3/2023
- 3/29/2023
- 11/4/2022
- 1/21/2022
- 12/16/2021
- 3/11/2021
- 12/15/2020
Ashley Christopherson
Department of Family and Community Services (DFCS)
Office of Commissioner Kovol
Phone: 907-269-5444 (Work), 907-268-7835 (Cell)
Backup Coordinator: Julia McMullan
Confidential information should be sent via DSM: