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South Central Region Probation Services

The Southcentral region covers an area of some 1,300 miles from the tip of the Aleutian Islands in the west to the Prince William Sound/Canadian border in the east. This is roughly equivalent to the distance between New York City and New Orleans and in sheer area is larger than 46 of the 49 states. Twenty probation staff serve this large and diverse region through two stand-alone field offices in Dillingham and Kodiak and two larger offices collocated with DJJ detention facilities in Palmer and Kenai (Mat-Su Youth Facility and Kenai Peninsula Youth Facility). The regional supervisor is based in Palmer with administrative support provided through the McLaughlin Youth Center in Anchorage.

South Central Juvenile Probation utilizes a trauma-informed, strength-based and balanced approach to delinquency intervention. Offender accountability, victim restoration, community protection, and offender competency development are all considered when determining the appropriate intervention in any given case. Formal court intervention, while a useful tool, is not the only means of addressing delinquency issues. Given that for many youth an informal, strength-based approach can be quite effective, South Central Probation continues to support and foster the expansion of diversion opportunities to youth, community and tribal court diversion programs.

Dillingham Probation Services

The Dillingham office is a two-person office co-located with the Office of Children’s Services in the Bristol Inn building and handles referrals from the Dillingham, Lake and Peninsula, Bristol Bay Boroughs.

Kenai Probation Services

The six-person Kenai office is located in the Kenai Peninsula Youth Facility (KPYF) and handles referrals from the Kenai Peninsula as well as Tyonek.

Kodiak Probation Services

The Kodiak office is located on the ground floor of the Kodiak courthouse. This two-person office covers referrals from throughout Kodiak Island.

Mat-Su Probation Services

The Mat-Su office is located in the Mat-Su Youth Facility (MSYF). This nine-person office is actually a composite office covering referrals from the Valdez and Mat-Su areas as well as the Aleutian and Pribilof islands. While two supervisors jointly supervise the office, they also each have their primary area of focus.


Find contact information for the South Central Region Probation Services on our How to Contact Juvenile Justice page.